Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sadie's Valentines

I couldn't decide what to do for Sadie's Valentines this year. I think I was a little overwhelmed with the details of her class party. I had looked at so many different ideas for this year but didn't think I had the time for the ones I liked. At the last minute, I found the cutest and most simple idea at Brown Paper Packages Blog
I love her blog, so many great and creative ideas.

These are my version of her idea. I loved it! Thumb-body loves you! How cute!

Sadie used her thumb prints on some of them, but they were a little too small, so mommy helped with her big thumb! We both had fun drawing the legs and arms and faces on the cute little thumb prints. She signed her name on the back of them and we were in business. I made a couple girls with some eyelashes and a hairbow!