I know most of you have seen these different styles of flowers out in the blogosphere, but it's the first time I've attempted to make them.
I'm so impressed with how cute this first one turned out. It's made from felt, and very tedious, but so worth it! Of course I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and there are things I would do differently next time, but i don't think anyone else could tell.
I'm so impressed with how cute this first one turned out. It's made from felt, and very tedious, but so worth it! Of course I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and there are things I would do differently next time, but i don't think anyone else could tell.

This is very similar to the other silk flowers, but I did it peony style. Very sweet in pink!

This one was a challenge. Still not sure about it, I need to play around with it some more.

Hope the mommy to be loves them as much as I do!
Nice job! You always make the cutest things!