Saturday, February 12, 2011


I love blocks, they're so versatile. They can say whatever you want and be placed just about anywhere in your own personal style.

I got together with a girlfriend the other day and built up my muscles sanding all the blocks down. She was making a set of 3, I made a set of 4 for a friend and a set of 4 for me. FUN FUN!

The first set I made a for a friend. I put LOVE on one side and XOXO on the other, so she could display what she chose.

I had too many LOVE valentine decor, so I made mine the XOXO. I'm thinking I'll add KISS to the reverse side for next year.


  1. Hey. Did you get together with Lori and do crafty stuff without me??? If so, you are in big trouble, young lady! They turned out very cute.

  2. LOVE IT ALL! I am still working on some Valentines day crafts, Oh well they will be ready for next year! :)
