It's that time of year again. Back To School! It's shopping for school supplies and school clothes, and the big question, what to wear on the first day?
This is the winner for our first day of first grade!
While visiting family this summer, my niece had this super cute Roxy dress, it's all one piece.
(This picture is not my niece)
I loved it so much, but it didn't come in Sadie's size, so I made my own!
I was able to make it with just one yard of fabric. Bummer for me, the stripes came vertical, not horizontal like I needed, so the fabric wasn't quite wide enough. After some drama with matching the stripes I got the pieces I need and was able to get the stripes to match up.
The waistband was a new experience for me too. Just so you know, I am NOT a sewer. I can thread my machine and sew in straight lines, but this pushed my skills to the limit! I made my sash in plain black because I truly didn't know if I would have enough fabric left of the stripes.
But after all the DRAMA and a few phone calls to a nice friend who CAN sew, I'm very pleased with the finished product!

While visiting family this summer, my niece had this super cute Roxy dress, it's all one piece.
(This picture is not my niece)
I loved it so much, but it didn't come in Sadie's size, so I made my own!

I was able to make it with just one yard of fabric. Bummer for me, the stripes came vertical, not horizontal like I needed, so the fabric wasn't quite wide enough. After some drama with matching the stripes I got the pieces I need and was able to get the stripes to match up.

The waistband was a new experience for me too. Just so you know, I am NOT a sewer. I can thread my machine and sew in straight lines, but this pushed my skills to the limit! I made my sash in plain black because I truly didn't know if I would have enough fabric left of the stripes.

But after all the DRAMA and a few phone calls to a nice friend who CAN sew, I'm very pleased with the finished product!
That's my girl!
Good Job on the skirt! I love it!